Understanding Responsible Sourcing Audit (URSA) is a Unilever-approved standard of independent assessment to evaluate supplier’s conformity to rules and regulations that apply to the businesses. This is aimed at ensuring responsible sourcing for companies.

URSA (Understanding Responsible Sourcing Audit) enables an independent assessment of a supplier’s compliance against all applicable laws, regulations and the additional requirements of Unilever’s Responsible Sourcing Policy. Unilever has appointed Control Union as one of the preferred auditing companies to conduct responsible sourcing audits.

In today’s world, if a company needs to stay relevant it must incorporate sustainable practices within its operations. This means that the company must be cautious regarding the use of its resources and the impact its activities have on the environment. Not only this, but suitability also includes practices relating welfare of employees at the workplace and general labour standards.

Features & Benefits Applicability

Under URSA specifications, the suppliers are assessed for quality and safety of products as well as processes based on Good Practice guidelines. The evaluation also looks into a company’s practices in regards to health and safety, business integrity, land tenure right and so on. The assessment has a special focus on the company’s compliance to widely-used international regulations on labour standards, human rights, health and welfare as well as environmental management.

Acquiring this certification gives a company an edge in the market as it demonstrates its commitment to maintaining ethical integrity. Some of the obvious benefits include:

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Conformity to labour laws & human rights
  • Improved welfare for employees at the workplace
  • Work satisfaction for staff & better employee retention
  • Enhanced management of resources & impact on the environment
  • Recognized as a socially responsible organization globally
  • Improved confidence in the brand
  • Have a strong basis to bring in new clients
  • Mark the beginning of a journey towards sustainable growth

The focus is on responsible sourcing and so every company or organization that falls under the category of being a supplier is eligible for URSA. The certification applies to farms and farmer groups. The manufacturing companies, processing units, trading enterprises, export enterprises can also apply for this certification.
Since the certification requires phases of audits, it is a time-consuming process. The company must dedicatedly make the required changes and continuously monitor the processes to get accredited and retain them. Our excellence and experience in international standards, help the companies gain this certification through proper restructuring.

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