Safety Audits
Every organization in its own right tries to implement procedures aimed at efficient management and maintenance of its operations, while also ensuring security and safety at the workplace. However, understanding and executing processes at every level with compliance to quality management systems make the operations much more efficient.
A safety audit is a structured procedure that helps the companies evaluate their activities and identify how certain aspects are impacting the safety and health of the people at a workplace.
Safety audits are not the same as safety inspections as the latter just evaluates if the safety programs are meeting the organization’s goals. Safety audits are a periodical examination of a company’s activities, looking at risks, hazards, and other issues that might prevent the enterprise from operating safely.
Safety audits as per IS 14489 are conducted with the purpose of proving that a company’s activities are conforming to the safety legislation in the region. This also helps to pinpoint weaknesses and shortfalls in the safety programs and processes. A safety audit identifies levels of risk in specific areas of a company and lead to improved health and safety procedures. This makes the enterprise proactive in adapting and upgrading processes to maintain high level of safety in workplace.
These audits not only help maintain workplace safety but also improve operational efficiency and reduce maintenance costs. The companies get a better understanding of how to manage operations with the focus on health and safety management. The results of the assessments facilitate the enterprise to identify areas that are more prone to accidents and come up with solutions for the same. It helps organizations to modify and optimize their health and safety programs in order to improve safety management.
A safety audit is usually done in phases where the processes are reviewed, repaired, reworked and then restored to comply with health and safety standards. Any organization, regardless of size or industry, is eligible for these safety audits. It is best if the audit is conducted by an external party having the experience and expertise in health and safety departments.
Our versatile team with certified auditors conducts safety audits for companies in any industry. Our expertise entails that we offer valuable input, practical advice as well as training so that the enterprises continually improve their adherence to health and safety regulations.
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Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia conse quuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.