ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015 is an ISO standard that specifies norms to reduce and control the organization’s impact on the environment. The key goals of this standard are to ensure that a company complies with the environmental regulations from local authorities that include guidelines for control of pollution. Another aim is to evaluate the activities of a business and identify areas that can be improved to minimize environmental impact.

Reducing global warming and pollution is critical to ensure sustainable growth in today’s world. This standard helps pinpoint if the company’s activities are causing any environmental impact that can be avoided with some corrective measures.

Features & Benefits Applicability

ISO 14001:2015 includes a framework of rule that covers energy consumption, management of energy resources, disposal of waste, pollution, carbon footprint, recycling and other such aspects related to impact on environment. This standard list guideline to build and execute policy for sustainable practices within the organization. During the implementation process, the focus will be on directions and decision-making from the top management and proactive initiatives that promote environment-friendly strategies. This standard will help the company better understand how to effectively incorporate processes that will lead to sustainable practices to boost growth and development.

As is the case with any quality management system, ISO 14001:2015 also has many corollary benefits for the enterprise. With sustainable policies and strategies in place, recycling and reducing of waste became habitual practices. Controlling and monitoring of energy consumption becomes a regular thing. Streamlining of operations leads to identification of areas that have room for improvement. Solutions can be found to make processes simpler and more cost-effective. This standard also shares guidelines for employee engagement and training to help the company cut-down costs and increase its production and profits. The enterprise will be able to raise its image as an environmentally concerned organization and demonstrate its commitment to be a socially responsible entity.

This standard is applicable to any organization of any size. The company can get ISO 14001:2015 certification regardless of the industry it belongs to. However, gaining this certification is a long and meticulous process. The enterprise must be prepared to show its commitment towards environment and its protections. This standard is key for the company to reduce its impact on the environment drastically while maintaining and improving its business.

The standard is applicable to small, medium or large business belonging to:

  • All industrial sectors
  • All service sectors
  • Health Care Sector
  • Education Sector
  • IT Sector
  • All Public Sector Units (PSU)
  • All Government Organization


This international standard sees to it that the organization complies with individual country’s environmental regulations. Acquiring this certification shows that you are a responsible, future focused company. Zero Consulting, with its talented and versatile team, offers consultation that will help transform processes and policies to meet the requirements of this regulatory standard.

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